Northern Drylander’s Museum photos taken 2012 by Pam Russell


1…Front of the museum bldg.

2…Inside blacksmith shop w/Dale

3…Another inside blacksmith shop

4…Outside blacksmith shop

5…Old sheepherder’s wagon

6…Wooden horsedrawn wagon

7…Original Nunn School bell


9…Rail car which houses the railroad displays

10…Nunn city limit sign

11…Prairie View School house

12…Display inside railcar – railroad mem.

13…Another display inside railcar - desk

14…Inside school – nice display of room, desks

15…Another view inside school room

16…Ghostly painting of school room of the past

17…Collection of kitchen items

18…Display of stove, irons, baskets, tubs

19…Egg case, candies, spices, etc.

20…Scale, phone, grinder

21…Buckets, cast iron pans, tubs

22…Cracker barrel, pressure cookers, more

23…Scale, cupboard, barrels

24…Fabric, hats, funnels, hatboxes

25…Clothing, baskets, sewing notions

26…Barn, hay, owl painted on wall

27…Veterans’ display

28…Another view of veteran’s display

29…Beautiful quilt

30…Another beautiful quilt
