Joseph Sites Family


Joseph Jasaitis Family

Joseph Sites family

l -to- r, Joseph Sites, Jr., Catherine Rose Keelty Sites, Constance C. Sites

Joseph Sites, Sr. Agatha M. Sites circa 1905

The information you find here about this family has been gleaned from census records, obituaries, the social security death index, and death certificates. It is a work in progress and probably contains several errors. Please, if this family is related to you or otherwise known to you, write to me at I would dearly love to meet living relatives, find out just where in Lithuania this family lived before coming to America, and add family photographs to my webpage.

Joseph Jasaitis, born February 1862, emigrated from Lithuania to the United States in 1886. He married Catherine Rose Keelty of Zanesville, Ohio, around 1886. She was born in August 1862. I found them at 415 Buttles Avenue, Columbus, Ohio in the census records for 1900, 1910, and 1920. and at 325 Hubbard Ave., Columbus, Ohio in the 1930 census. They had three children:

Constance C. Sites married Otto Kraft in 1927. Otto was born in Ohio on August 4, 1897. They lived with her parents at the time of the 1920 census. Constance and Otto had a young daughter, Carol A. Kraft, born approx. Feb. 1929.

Otto Kraft died in November of 1976 in Columbus, Ohio

Constance Sites Kraft died February 7, 2003, in Columbus, OH at the age of 101.

Catherine Rose Keelty Sites died April 19, 1936 in Franklin County, Ohio

Joseph Sites, Sr. died April 2, 1945 in Franklin County, Ohio

Joseph Sites family

l -to- r,(back row) Constance Sites Kraft, Joseph Sites, Jr., Agatha Sites Shaw

(front row) Catherine Keelty Sites, Joseph Sites, Sr.


Joseph Sites family tree


Go to: Uknavage, Petrona Uknavage Tucker, Joseph Uknavage, William Louis Uknavage, also

Uknavage, Joseph Uknavage, Frances Mosteiko, William Ukanavage, PetroniaGalesky, Petronia Jesaitis Uknavage, Mosteiko, Galesky, Galesky family unknown, William Sites Family, Frances Gillis Family